new era in recruiting
Find and be found
Finding and pre-qualifying candidates is time-consuming, with costs increasing while a position is vacant, and yet it is uncertain how quickly a position will be filled. With 360HR keeps costs under control and gets qualified and suitable applicants more quickly.
unkomplizierte Bewerbersuche
Post job ads and start automated sourcing
Management of job advertisements. With just a few clicks you can create the job advertisements, the candidate pipeline including the job landing page, and automated workflows. Your job advertisements are usually published on selected websites within 60 minutes and experienced personnel experts take care of convincing the best applicants of your vacancy.
gezielt Reichweite aufbauen
Be found and get more attention
Your job advertisements also rank well on Google Jobs
You either create your publications yourself or leave that to our experts, along with other editorial work. We display your job advertisement on it in such a way that it can be seen by your dream applicants.
active- & passive-sourcing
Scalable funnels - 360HR is hardworking
On average, job advertisements are published on 10 - 20 different websites, depending on the selection.
You decide when and where which content is published. In addition, suitable applicants are contacted personally by our HR experts via various channels.
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