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Yes, contact our customer service to find out more.
Especially in the acquisition of independent specialists, our methods are highly efficient.
Creating a new account and posting a job takes 2 minutes. On average, 360HR users meet the first qualified applicants one week later.
Yes, if you don't have a new position to fill, you can pause your contract.
For an individual introduction to how 360HR works, please book a demonstration for your company.
Yes, we offer the option to exchange or synchronize your data sets with most common HR tech providers.
All packages currently include unlimited employee access.
Yes, please contact our customer service. We will help you put together your individual personnel solution.
360HR is a suitable tool for all industries to find qualified applicants, pre-qualify them and streamline processes. We are currently having particularly good experiences in the area of IT.
Please simply contact us using this link.
We are always working to make 360HR better and to offer new functions to our users. We are currently working on, among other things, an interview process assistant, negotiation preparation, interview scoring, AI video application analysis.
You do not find what you are looking for? Please contact our support team for assistance.
A more extensive "Questions & Answers" section will be available here shortly, as well as the 360HR user forum can be found. If you have any unanswered questions in the meantime, please Contact with us, thank you.
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