Hospitality form

Employees usually in

set under 30 days!

Lassen Sie uns schauen, ob Ihr Unternehmen auch geeignet ist, neue Mitarbeiter innerhalb kürzester Zeit mit 360HR für sich zu gewinnen.

Has it also become increasingly difficult for you in the past to recruit qualified personnel for your HoReCa operation?


more conventional


(Print, add providers, job advertisement portals, classic personnel service providers, etc.)

Keine Garantie,

dass passende Bewerbungen eintreffen

Partly very

unqualified applications

Nur aktiv Suchende

sehen Ihre Stellenanzeige, wenn überhaupt

We will help you quickly to find suitable applicants for your vacancies!

Find employees

that really fit the business

future of the company

secured by suitable specialists

Mehr Aufträge

annehmen und wachsen können

Friendly support

until your problem is solved

Existing employees

relieve and good working atmosphere

to back up

Qualified applicants

directly from your region

We offer outstanding applicants

How do we do that


  • 360HR hat einen der größten und qualitativ hochwertigsten Personalpools im deutschsprachigen Bereich, speziell für die Tourismusbranche.
  • Unsere umfangreiche Recherche und Selektion von Kandidaten garantiert, dass wir nur die besten und am besten geeigneten Bewerber für Ihr Unternehmen vorschlagen.


  • Our team of experienced Talent Acquisition professionals will work closely with you to understand your specific needs and requirements and design a solution that is a perfect fit for you.
  • We offer both permanent and temporary staffing, as well as outplacement and career counseling services.


  • We have built an impressive track record in talent acquisition for the tourism industry, with numerous successfully placed candidates in leading HoReCa companies, among others.
  • Our clients value us for our reliability, our speed and our ability to find the best talent.


  • We provide full support through every step of the talent acquisition process, from identifying needs to hiring and onboarding the new hire.
  • Our goal is to save you time and resources and ensure you attract the best talent to your business.

Ihre Vorteile mit 360HR


Direct approach skilled workers willing to change

Guaranteed matching applications

Qualified applicants, that meet your requirements

The entire recruitment from a software

Goal: Hiring in under 30 days

Sustainable Her recruitment situation improve

Mehr qualifizierte Bewerber 

Füllen Sie Ihre Bewerber-Pipeline schnell mit Veröffentlichungen auf relevanten Seiten im Netz, KI-gestütztem Sourcing, und Ihrem wachsenden Pool interessierter Kandidaten.

Erfahren Sie mehr

Fastest solutions

Urgent need for staff in your kitchen? No problem! With our rental chefs, you can save any situation in your kitchen within 24 hours - whether it's a sudden staff shortage or an unexpectedly high number of reservations. The Scale and Lead packages include the placement of excellent rental chefs.

Learn more

Warum unsere Kunden auf uns setzen

"We are thrilled with 360HR! They provided us with excellent support with our personnel strategy and procurement, always focusing on sustainability and suitable applicants. The service was absolutely excellent and we feel well looked after. We have finally found the HR partner who suits us perfectly. I can only recommend 360HR!"

Monique Altmann, the niu Flash

"With 360HR we finally have a human resources strategy that is sustainable and tailored to our needs. The service is excellent and we feel like we are in good hands in every respect."

Sebastian Kärcherer, Brauhaus Linde

"Thanks to 360HR, we finally have a recruiting solution that is reliable and efficient. The support is competent and always there when we need it."

Marco Andrechser, Hotel Dorfkrug zur Post

"We have been looking for a long time for a recruitment solution that is not only attractive at first glance, but also really works. With 360HR we have finally found the right recruitment solution."

Angela Wissmann, NextIT

Get a concrete solution tailored to your business for free.

Get a concrete solution tailored to your company for free.

Which specialist are you currently looking for?

Choose an appointment directly to discuss your strategy for recruiting applicants with a human resources expert.

Contact us

Oberbilker Allee 315, 40227 Düsseldorf

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